Genetic Improvement of Software for Multiple Objectives (GISMO)

Humans nd it hard to develop systems that balance many competing and con icting operational objectives. However, emergent computing application paradigms require systems that optimise many di erent competing and con icting objectives such as size, response time, throughput and consumption of resources. Programmers cannot be expected to optimally balance all of these multiple competing constraints and may miss potentially valuable solutions. Techniques are therefore required that can either  automatically create code that balances many con icting objectives or that can provide support to the human who tries to do so. The GISMO project seeks to do both.

Official project webpage.

Principal Investigator

Prof Mark Harman


  • Dr William Langdon


  • Marc Schoenauer, INRIA, France
  • Andrea Arcuri, Simula, Norway
  • Mark Taylor, IBM, UK
  • Paul Baker, Motorola Labs UK
  • David Luebke, nVidia, USA


This project is funded by the EPSRC. UCL is the lead partner.

This page was last modified on 18 Oct 2013.